Monkey pox or bird flu. Which will it be? Or maybe both? Oh and the WHO will get to call the shots. Literally.

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Knowing certainly that this is another psy-op from the malignant narcissistic, detrimentally manipulative, murderously psychopathic (#darktriad) 'world managers', whether the Monkeypox infections are actual or not, we now need to know, just like with SARS-COV-2/COVID-19, and just about all other modern 'pandemics':

1) What governments/companies/"health" organizations/persons have been involved with/working on monkeypox and related viruses and diseases?

2) Locations of the labs?

3) Financial info: How much money? From where/whom to where/whom? When?

4) The methods/mechanisms of dispersal?

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I don’t trust anything coming from any of these health officials or scientists. After covid and their forcing toxic vaccines and drugs when cheap Eve available treatments were handy, never again will I believe wth they say.

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They've been warning the public since last July …

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May 20, 2022·edited May 20, 2022

"Now there are three more nations that are reporting confirmed or suspected cases, and that should greatly alarm all of us."

No, it should not greatly alarm all of us. Haven't we learned anything over the last two years?

"Hopefully we never get to a point where officials feel like a full-blown vaccination campaign is needed."

No, hopefully we've learned not to listen to these cretins who have set humanity on the road to ruin.

Oh, and Jeff Childers at Coffee And COVID pointed out today that the Astrazenraca vaccine was developed using a chimpanzee virus.

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