"Symptoms of long vax are similar to long COVID's ...'

I guess making the body produce SARS-CoV-2's toxic spike protein in amounts far greater, for far longer, and more extensively spread in the body than would occur with the virus itself might give you turbo-COVID. Gee, who'd of thought!

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On one hand I am glad new ideas are occurring to some docs, but on the other, the phrase 'the vax only killed you a little bit' is what I hear of post vax injuries. Are the docs slowly realizing what genocide means?

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Every month a little more is exposed about this terrible covid jab. Finally doctors are seeing too many coincidences to ignite. If this doesn’t scare you about our medical system, nothing will. CDC, FDA are just promoters of big Pharma and need shut down. I cannot see a reason for their existence with their current policies and agenda.

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