I would make one amendment to this post. Rather than saying that the “Biden administration purchased over 170 million doses...” I would say that the “Biden residency laundered enough taxpayer money to fun the sale of over 170 million of the untested injectables.

This FDA is worse than completely useless to the American people. Rather than providing a regulatory shield against abusive profiteering of the medical industry, they are granting regulatory approval for poorly structured medical experiments and hiding the dangers from the test subjects. Disgusting.

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More taxpayers money thrown at Pfizer so they in turn can recycle the funds back to politicians. It’s all about greed, not health. These additional boosters for a virus that’s like getting a really bad cold, or in some cases like the flu, will only decrease the person’s immune system and will become more ill, not less. The cycle never ends with the constant promotion of fear. Anyone getting vaxed repeatedly is beyond help. They unfortunately have damaged their own body and mind.

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The pll involved need to be assassinated by law.joe biden needs to be locked up with fauchi bill gates.the who building needs to be burnt to the ground

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