Satan is alive and well in the next generation of Clintons

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"... Chelsea Clinton as the spokesperson, Bill Gates as the money, and the WHO as the implementers ..."

Don't forget UNICEF of the useless but dangerous U.N., an organization we should have stopped funding long ago.

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The sleeping giant isn't fully awake yet obviously but it's getting there. Just read an article on how female athletes are now starting to fight back against the men competing against them insanity. Many are calling for boycotts at all female sports events where a male participates.

Time to restore sanity.

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And Elon Musk along with BioNTech has invented a portable mRNA machine to transport to all those third world countries to manufacture these delightful tox shots- how fortuitous.

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Pagan me willing to put in a formal request that the fires of the Christian Hell are given extra fuel for the arrival of the entire Clinton family. Dark stuff.

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Chelsea following her mom’s MO--tie yourself to a global foundation, pretend to care, put your hand out and take all the money you can. The Clinton family and Bill Gates would screw over their own for a dollar. Gates pushes vaccines he has a vested interest in all while bribing poor countries with millions to inject their children. When the children start to have reactions or die, he doesn’t care because he’s already gotten his 💰 and the deaths are a bonus with his depopulation wish.

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They do make such a lovely couple, of demons.

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May 8, 2023·edited May 8, 2023

J.D., I will disagree with you on one point. I don't believe Chelsea is an asset to their cause. Only the extreme far left follow her advice. A big celebrity would be a better choice. There's plenty of leftist volunteers.

However, Bill Gates and the WHO are a major threat to our future. They want to vaccine the world to reduce the population almost 90% by injecting everyone with mRNA modifying spike protein time bombs.

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What an ugly look she presents with these ugly ideas.

The move towards conquering transmissible illnesses should be with medication in a pill form or a nasal spray.

They discovered that an oral cocktail of antivirals, not a vaccine, finally had an effect on helping AIDS patients live longer.

To target kids is even uglier, since they are the least at threat from Covid.

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I didn’t know Chelsea Hubbell-Clinton went to medical school…hmm

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Do read Jerry Soule's "Point Ultimate" (Pub 1955)--he had this idea back then. It's a good read--I first read it as a 12 year old, and again 3 years ago, when what was going on in March '20 reminded me of the book. It might even be still in your public library.

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Considering the overwhelming evidence, the number of nations now opting-out of these vaccinations and the continuing number of deaths especially among young amateur athletes the only thing I can conclude is that Gates and Clinton are joining together in hopes of sharing Hell's multi-millennial prize for "Greatest Mass Murderer in the History of Humanity." If they like I would be happy to write their acceptance speech which would begin something like, "We very much want to thank you for this award and acknowledge the greats, who up until this time set a standard that no one dared suggest might be exceeded. Of course, we refer to those who could not be with us on this occasion, Hitler, Mao, Stalin and Dr. Fauci, but do fully believe that we will be bettered by His Earthly Majesty the Antichrist in the very near future (Words written only for critical and humorous effect, with no intention or desire to blaspheme or insult our Lord Jesus Christ the Living Son of God, to Whom all glory and honor is due.).

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