I like how they glossed over how it is transmitted. This is not an airborne virus. It only transmits through bodily fluids. So not anyone can get it and die from it at any time.

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Citing the WHO and CDC, in addition to legacy media like Forbes, isn't building the case here. I don't trust any of them. But that may be part of the design of the first stages of our Depopulation Era: Destroy confidence in public health writ large so that warnings such as these about NiV are just about as credible as the vacillating Anthony Fauci. "How convenient!"

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They keep f**king around with these viruses with these scientists doing gain of function studies, this is the result. Worldwide pestilence and death may be what happens if our time is numbered by God. Only He knows. These gain of function experiments need to be totally banned. This virus has been practically dormant for almost 25 years, but now it’s active in a small district of India. Wonder how that happened 🀬🀬

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